Wood Duck
Aix sponsa
Family Name: Anatidae
Date Photographed: October 21, 2022
Location: Windham, NH
… I was surprised when I zoomed in and saw that they were not more mallards but wood ducks. I was still registering this when another eight came in for a landing…
Wood Duck
Birds of NH #: 13/278
Avg. Clutch Size: 6-15
Avg. Brood/s per year: 1-2
Wood ducks are a beautiful sight at any time of the year, with their distinctive head shape and the males’ striking colors. Although they are a fairly common sight around southern New Hampshire, I have yet to grow tired of seeing these dabbling ducks. They can be found in most inland bodies of water like ponds, swamps and wetlands. They make their nests in the forest, preferring a large tree cavity that is not too far from water.
My first attempts at photographing this species was not a rousing success. It was in late October during their migratory journey that I had about a week or two to see and observe them at a nearby pond. They avoided me like it was cool so I set up a blind and waited for them to swim within range. I made the early morning trips to the pond and waited for the shot that never came over those two weeks.
As I knew they would, the wood ducks eventually stopped showing, having continued on their journey south. While I walked away from that experience without the photos I had hoped for, the early mornings sitting by the pond watching the world turn - the morning mist rising off the water, a doe and her two fawns coming down to the water on the opposite bank, a little vole foraging through the leaves near my feet - are something that I am grateful for.
October 21, 2022 - First Image
October 21, 2022 - Favorite Image