Snow Bunting (x)

Plectrophenax nivalis

Family Name: Calcariidae

Date Photographed: December 9, 2022

Location: New Castle, NH

…it had blended in so well against the yellow grass and the gray rocks that I had walked just ten feet away from it had hadn’t noticed it until it hopped away…

Snow Bunting (x)

Birds of NH #: 32/278

Avg. Clutch Size: 2-7

Avg. Brood/s per year: 1

I had an extremely difficult time identifying this bird after I took its picture for the first time on the New Hampshire coast in December 2022. Having had no previous knowledge of a snow bunting, I immediately assumed it to be a type of sparrow because of its coloration (I had photographed it with its winter plumage). I got home and searched through all the sparrow species in New Hampshire, then all the sparrow species in North America. No dice.

Unable to find the species, I left it alone but promised to get back to it. It was a very distinct looking bird and the colors reminded me a lot of the porgs from Star Wars. Fast forward to a week later and I found myself watching a wildlife photographer on YouTube who happened to show a video of snow buntings (with their white and black plumage).

I did not immediately draw the connection then, but a day later while I was driving, it suddenly clicked. The build and shape of the snow buntings in the video had looked very familiar. I went straight to my computer once I got home and looked up snow buntings. Bingo.

December 9, 2022 - First Image

December 9, 2022 - Favorite Image


Short-eared Owl (x)


Snow Goose (x)