Anas platyrhynchos
Family Name: Anatidae
Date Photographed: October 20, 2022
Location: Windham, NH
…a pair was drifting towards the bank and foraging for food. They saw me but did not seem to bother too much so I settled in and watched. The morning sun was just peeking over the trees…
Birds of NH #: 10/278
Avg. Clutch Size: 1-13
Avg. Brood/s per year: 1-2
Growing up in New Hampshire, we had a decently sized pond at the side of our house. I would spend hours out there as a kid, hunting for frogs, dragonflies and all sorts of water beetles. There was not a single year that I can remember that we did not have a pair of mallards visit our pond. And there were a few years that they brought ducklings too!
In my experience, mallards are the most common ducks in my area. Common to the extent that I am almost never surprised when I do see a pair. They play well with other bird species and I often see them in the company of Canadian geese, wood ducks or with a great blue heron nearby.
October 20, 2022 - First Image
October 20, 2022 - Favorite Image