Downy Woodpecker

Picoides pubescens

Family Name: Picidae

Date Photographed: November 29, 2022

Location: Derry, NH

…a nonstop line of birds flying in and out to get at it and all the other food that was scattered on the ground and along the top of a stone wall that is there…

Downy Woodpecker

Birds of NH #: 28/278

Avg. Clutch Size: 3-8

Avg. Brood/s per year: 1

The downy woodpecker was by far the most common woodpecker that visited my family’s backyard bird feeder growing up. I would always look for the telltale red patch on the top of the males’ heads. These are very small woodpeckers; fitting right in with all the other feeder birds such as the nuthatches and finches. However, the bold black and white wing pattern makes it an easy bird to spot.

November 29, 2022 - First image

November 29, 2022 - Favorite image


Dovekie (x)


Dunlin (x)