Eastern Bluebird
Sialia sialis
Family Name: Turdidae
Date Photographed: October 13, 2022
Location: Auburn, NH
…while not rare in these parts by any measurement, it is always a little exciting to me when I catch a glimpse of one of these. Its soft blue plumage with a dash of orange looked amazing out there in the foggy morning…
Eastern Bluebird
Birds of NH #: 2/278
Avg. Clutch Size: 2-7
Avg. Brood/s per year: 1-3
There is just something about the eastern bluebird that always manages to bring a smile to my face. Growing up, I did not see this bird that often. It would usually be only a few times a year when large flocks would come through the backyard and took advantage of the bird feeder. Very rarely would I see a single or a pair of bluebirds alone. Since starting my Birds of New Hampshire challenge, the eastern bluebird has been a common sighting during my days out.
The eastern bluebird was the second species that I photographed in this challenge. The males’ vibrantly blue plumage makes it easy to spot out in the fields and along the wood lines. That said, I wasn’t able to get very close to one for a while.
One of my favorite shots was from when an eastern bluebird flew in close to me. I had been slowly walking towards a perched eastern bluebird that was maybe sixty feet away. Another one flew in straight at me and landed on top of a milkweed pod about twenty feet from me. It gave me quite the stare and I was very happy to take the shot.
October 13, 2022 - First image
October 31, 2022 - Favorite image